An Interview with Iain Morrison, Writer in Residence at JHG by Sophie Jones

One of the gifts of this year has been having other people interact with my practice and reflect back to me what I am doing. Not least is this interview with Sophie Jones which we conducted over Skype and which she has patiently turned into something written, and intelligible! Thank you Sophie. I’ve learned about what I do from seeing where your careful questions led and from noting the parts of the interview that you have picked out and drawn into a through-line.

Read the interview here An Interview with Iain Morrison, Writer in Residence at John Hansard Gallery by Sophie Jones

Sophie’s also interviewed my companion writers in residency at Southampton Libraries and Mayflower Theatre, Nazneen Ahmed and Dinos Aristidou. Dinos’ interview ends with these words, and I couldn’t agree with them more:

“I found the other writers’ work so engaging, inventive and so resonant, and that we were together as three writers in residence felt like an honour.”

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Sophie is working on SO:To Speak festival which I take part in next weekend.