I’ve been accepted into the reproducing embrace of the latest publication from the HOAX team. It’s their issue number 5, although they’ve made such a stir in my world that it feels like their co-edited Glasgow/London free-sheet and online publishing have been in my consciousness for longer than that must mean they have been.

I find myself saying to people that HOAX’s publishing ranges between poetry and art-writing, and I find it exciting that those two halves of my recreational text intake are brought together in one place, with the prevalent and different modes of address and strategies of play from poets and artists coming into contact and subtly informing each other. The HOAX manifesto explains why this is the case, with an effectively genre-blind editing approach.

My poem takes off, in a free-floating and typographic way, Emily Dickinson’s poem which starts ‘Two Butterflies went out at Noon – ‘ and which ends rather differently after that, depending on whether you’re reading it in the Thomas H. Johnson or Ralph W. Franklin editions.

If any of you are in London on on Monday 30 March 2015, come along to the launch at Studio 1.1, where free copies will be available, while performances and fun take place. Details of the launch are on facebook here. It’s from 6–9pm and I’ll be there for the occurrence.

HOAX #5 cover

Iain on tour in London

This coming weekend I’ll be decamping to London to take part in a trio of poetry events, all reifications of different, slightly envelope-opening thinking.

They are:

1) Camaradefest II, at the Rich Mix Arts Centre on Saturday night.

2) a Scottish Poetry Power Breakfast at the ICA on Sunday morning. Free coffee and pastries!


3) a come-all-ye closing reading at the ZimZalla exhibition at Hardy Tree Gallery on Monday night.

To tease you, here’s the teaser trailer for my Sat night collaboration piece with the ever-trusty Colin Herd on my right hand side (your left)

or your could just watch this documentation of our last collaboration at one of SJ Fowler’s Camarade events.

Hope to see some London, blog-reading faces. Be well everyone!